Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Space Legion Diorama

By Bruno Lequeux

Two agents have just finished their mission and they take the road of return. They go out of an air duct which results under a covered way. The only problem: a VIGILANT of the series 2-48-758 stays up.

You can see more, including a record of the construcion, at my website.

Image: Look over your shoulder, little dude....

Image: Closer look at the Legionairres

Image: Group leader

Image: Spectators

Image: Another look

Image: Sentinel

Image: Bird's eye view

Image: Street-level view of the mech

Image: Overall

Image: Rat-level view

Image: Mech

Image: Group leader

Image: Second

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