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USS Proteus

By Charles Foran

This is my Galaxy-class kitbash USS Proteus. The Proteus was designed primarily as patrol heavy cruiser. This class is not so much used for exploration because it packed quite a bit more punch than a Galaxy class. With its four nacelle configuration it could maintain warp 9.9 for 24 hours.

Building this ship was great fun as I posted the buildup on Starship Modeler discussion forum. The buildup was actually quite easy in that the primary and secondary hulls more or less fit quite well in to position. Using layers of sheet styrene to blend in the two hulls took some time as the blending required plenty of cutting, sanding and puttying. In the end the overall shape was acheived using two 1/1400 Enterprise D secondary hulls cut to shape and re-shaped under a hot hairdryer.

The final finish was achieved with the addition of the blended phaser strips and new lifepods cut from sheet styrene. The painting started with the basic primer grey but I changed the colour of the aztecing to a light blue as compared to the Enterprise-D in one of the pictures.

I'm happy with this ship because the design worked out well. I have had some complaints about the bottom of a secondary hull protruding to show the deflector so close to the front ( they say it ruins the line). I say look at some of the canon ships out there & tell me they are better or worse than the Proteus.

Image: Aft

Image: Starboard aft

Image: Dorsal view

Image: Deflector

Image: Foward starboard quarter

Image: The bow from port

Image: The nacelles

Image: Accompanied

Image: Racing the Enterprise

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